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Forever After

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From the day they first met in the schoolhouse in a small New England town, Theodore Wayne, son of a respected lawyer, and Jennie Clapton, daughter of wealthy parents, have been sweethearts. Their romance has progressed into their college years, where Ted has become a big football star on the gridiron. But Jack Randall, the wealthiest boy in town, has also courted Jennie, with the approval of her mother, impressed and blinded by Jack's money. Ted's father dies, and Ted has to leave college to return home to a menial job in order to support his mother. Jennie's love for him never waivers, but her mother convinces Ted that Jennie's happiness hinges on having money and social position. He leaves town, with his mother, and Jennie is heartbroken. Then World War I breaks out.

Estreia Mundial:
17 de Outubro de 1926
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