Black Wood


Black Wood

Dirigido por:
12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos

After her family is murdered, Dowanhowee, a Native American Sioux woman, travels alone into the ever-expanding West. She stumbles upon a decrepit town and crosses paths with a notorious outlaw group known as the Dutch Wilder Gang. She discovers one of the men riding a horse belonging to a member of her slain family. Dowanhowee takes revenge on the horse thief and evades them by running into the uncharted Black Wood Forest.
Once inside this mysterious land, the Dutch Wilder Gang capture Dowanhowee and after a cruel interrogation, the men find value in her and force her to help them with their mission: to find a hidden vein of gold. Not long into their journey, they soon discover they must work together and fight for their lives as they have unknowingly awakened an ancient ravenous creature known as The Wendigo.

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