


Dirigido por:
Média geral 3.2
baseado em 3 votos
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93 minutos

Karitas is a single mother of four who desperately tries to make ends meet. Fighting a losing battle with her ex-husband for custody over her three daughters, she's oblivious to what's going on with her twelve year old son Gudmund, a victim of brutal bullying at school and whose life is on the fast track to destruction. Gudmund's only friend in the world is Marinó, a schizophrenic in his forties, who lives with his mother in the same apartment building. When Marinó realizes that his mother has secretly been dating a stranger, Marino starts to lose grip on reality. Gardar is an underworld enforcer who makes a mess at work and as a result his twin brother Georg is beaten up. Exiled both from the underworld and his family, Gardar has to make a fresh start in life. He decided to seek out his family, Gardar has to make a fresh start in life. He decided to seek out his son Gudmund whom he has never seen but the straight and narrow is a though path to follow

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