Charles Bronson, Hollywood's Lone Wolf


Charles Bronson, Hollywood's Lone Wolf

Outros títulos
  • Charles Bronson, the Spirit of Masculinity - Estados Unidos da América
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Média geral 4.2
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52 minutos

His trademark: gray mustache and iron look. The US actor Charles Bronson was one of the famous "tough men" in Hollywood. He knocked Robert Redford down, shot Henry Fonda, coached Elvis, toasted Alain Delon, flirted with Liz Taylor, shot anything that moved, and beat up generations of extras. Over the course of his 40-plus year career, Bronson starred in nearly 100 films. He became known as a revenge-seeking antihero who enjoys killing. But success only came at an advanced age. As a silent harmonica player, he became an international star, but first had to see red and start a controversial revenge campaign on the screen so that he could also make a breakthrough in his home country. The documentary explores the contradictions of an actor who often played the antihero on screen, but who lived in private as a husband and father of seven children. With numerous archive images and film excerpts the filmmakers look back at the story of a former miner who later became a film star.

Estreia Mundial:
29 de Novembro de 2020
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