Chelovek s Luny


Chelovek s Luny

Outros títulos
  • The Man from the Moon - Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte
  • Человек с Луны - Rússia
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Triumph and collapse of hope - the whole life of the Russian scientist Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay passes in an instant, at the last moment of earthly existence - Two worlds: the world of civilization and the world of nature exist simultaneously, next to one planet, but it seems that the distance between them is like from Earth to the moon. The film uses drawings and diaries of Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay, whom the Papuans called "Man from the Moon" and revered as a deity.

Estreia Mundial:
27 de Abril de 2002
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Elenco de Chelovek s Luny

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