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Título Deadly Revisions (Original)
Ano produção 2013
Dirigido por
2013 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 95 minutos
Classificação 12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos
Países de Origem


When horror writer and filmmaker Grafton Torn wakes from a coma, he's horrified to find that he can't remember the events that led to his coma and leg injury. His physician has recommended that Grafton try to recover his memories by using hypnotherapy and medication while resting at a cabin in a peaceful location. Grafton agrees to this, but he finds that he's plagued by nightmares that involves not only the characters of his own creation but also potentially real memories. Things are made worse when these nightmares begin to spill over into his waking life, making Grafton question his very sanity.

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