Midnight 2


Midnight 2

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12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos

The film picks up 11 years after the events of the first film with Abraham (Walsh) surviving the attack from Nancy’s step-dad. He’s the only one alive from the Barns family and has moved on. Now, he uses a camcorder to recorder women in the park with. Using his camcorder as a way to speak with women, he lures them back to his place where he tortures and kills them. That is until he tortures the wrong woman. Her friend reports her missing and recalls to the detective about the man at the park with the camera the day she went missing. The detective said he will look into it but she takes matters into her own hands. She visits the park to lure Abraham out with the detective monitoring her but Abraham is not as stupid as they think.

Estreia Mundial:
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  • Nenhum trailer cadastrado.
  • Nenhuma foto cadastrada.


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