Refuge from the Storm


Refuge from the Storm

Outros títulos
  • Refugio En La Tormenta - Dominicana, República
Dirigido por:
Média geral 4.5
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
14 - Não recomendado para menores de 14 anos 104 minutos

A True-life story of the complete deliverance from life’s battles. Linda (Kristen Quintrall) the daughter of a wealthy family is left broken by spiritual forces beyond her control. While working at a night club, Linda meets Steve, an aspiring writer, Steve, who in his search for the “Meaning of Life”, gets pulled into a world of drugs and spiritual darkness propagated by Katrine (Jane Santos), the nightclub owner.

Meanwhile Linda begins to see beyond Katrine’s world, with the knowledge she receives from a total stranger. With a fearless attitude she conquers the darkness in her own life, and unknowingly changes the course of many lives along the way.

A fearless spiritual awakening that shows forth the goodness of God in a dark and perverse world.

Estreia Mundial:
5 de Abril de 2012
Outras datas
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  • Nenhum trailer cadastrado.
  • Nenhuma foto cadastrada.


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