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Título Shackled (Original)
Ano produção 1918
Dirigido por
20 de Maio de 1918 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 60 minutos
Países de Origem


A destitute young woman named Lola Dexter falls in love with Walter Cosgrove, who establishes her in a luxurious apartment and promises to marry her. After his fortune has been squandered, however, he woos and marries wealthy Edith Danfield while her sweetheart, James Ashley, is fighting in the trenches overseas. Embittered, Lola decides that from now on she will use men to her own advantage and travels to Florida to seek her first victim. She soon loses heart, however, and is about to commit suicide when Edith's invalid father, Thomas Danfield, convinces her to begin her life anew. The two become close friends and together return home, where they find that Edith, neglected and abused by Walter, has realized her mistake and is longing for James. To provide Edith with grounds for divorce, Lola allows Walter to enter her room, but when he rushes to attack her in a drunken rage, he falls down the stairs and is killed. Edith explains Lola's actions to Thomas, who forgives all and asks for her hand in marriage.

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