The Man Beneath


The Man Beneath

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The renown Hindu scientist, Dr. Chindi Ashutor, who has conquered plague in India, visits Scotland and falls in love with Kate Erskine, whose sister Mary is engaged to Ashutor's college friend, James Bassett. Although Kate loves Ashutor, she says marriage would make them social outcasts. Several months later, Bassett comes to Ashutor in India for help in eluding members of the Black Hand. Bassett became involved with them out of curiosity, and now they demand that he commit a murder. On a boat bound for Italy, Ashutor gives Bassett an injection to make him appear dead. In view of the Black Hand agents, François and Countess Petite Florence, a dummy is then buried at sea. In Scotland, after the agents overhear Ashutor tell the Erskines that Bassett is all right, Ashutor bribes François, who is then murdered by the countess. For his silence, Ashutor demands that Bassett be left alone. He then bids another farewell to Kate saying he will always love her.

Estreia Mundial:
5 de Julho de 1919
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