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Título The Walkers (Original)
Ano produção 2020
Dirigido por
2020 ( Mundial )
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Classificação 12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos
Países de Origem


The military derived a drug called 'C9', to help soldiers in battle. They were promised that they would not fell fear, or remorse and would have no recollection of the unthinkable things that comes along with the 'art of war' therefore never suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 'C9', was supposed to reduce the brain's ability to absorb the brain chemical called 'Serotonin', but as fate would have it, something terrible went wrong whilst illegally testing on human subjects. Instead of reducing the absorption of serotonin, blocking receptors were forged that saw the brains absorption methods entirely cease... Once the human body and brain can no longer absorb serotonin, it takes away all rational thinking, turning them into a mindless killing machine... and somehow 'C9' has managed to get it's foothold in our meat market and has been released into mainstream society. . The 'Infected' seems to be drawn to fresh blood, so they will pick up the scent of 'living' humans and animals and tear them apart to consume the fresh blood, therefore, reproducing into another host. Blaze, Eagle Eye, Nitro, Hope, Faith, Don and Paul, a crew of unlikely companions, find themselves as the only known survivors, and they must band together to find the cure they know exists, and help bring back some form of civilization... but before curing it they have to control it, and controlling it is simple...Kill or be killed...

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