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Título Thirty Days (Original)
Ano produção 1922
Dirigido por
10 de Dezembro de 1922 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 50 minutos
Países de Origem


As described in a film publication, because of his flirtatious tendencies, young and wealthy society man John Floyd (Reid) is put on 30 days' probation by his sweetheart Lucille Ledyard (Hawley). She gets him to assist her in settlement work. He ends up soothing Carlotta (Phillips), a young woman in a tough Italian section, when her husband Giacomo Polenta (Mayall) comes home and chases John with a knife. John escapes, but Giacomo, who is wanted by the police, takes a job as a butler in the Floyd home until he has a chance to skip to Italy. Carlotta comes to warn John, but Giacomo sees her and chases her down the street with a carving knife until he is nabbed by a police officer. Judge Hooker (Ogle), a friend of the Floyds', suggests that John seek safety in jail for 30 days until Giacomo leaves for Italy, so John goes and assaults a friend and rival, is arrested, and sent to jail by the judge. In jail he runs into Giacomo but is able to escape him. Giacomo is released, but waits for John outside the prison. Lucille and a friend visit John. When released, John is tied up by some criminals and put on a steamer headed for Italy. In the end, John and Lucille are reconciled.

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