Vers la Bataille


Vers la Bataille

Outros títulos
  • Towards the Battle - Estados Unidos da América
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Sua avaliação:
89 minutos

The story unfolds around the year 1860. Louis, a photographer, convinces the general of the French Army to send him to Mexico to photograph the colonial war that is ravaging the country. Once he is there, nothing goes as planned. Never in the right place at the right time to see the battles, Louis can't snap a single picture of the war. But his encounter with Pinto, a Mexican peasant, changes his destiny. It leads him to discover neither glory nor wealth, but a way to confront the ghosts of his past.

Estreia Mundial:
28 de Outubro de 2019
Outras datas
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  • Nenhum trailer cadastrado.
  • Nenhuma foto cadastrada.


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